Exam – Proctor
To supervise an exam as a proctor, the individual must be willing to execute the following duties listed below. All exams must be taken at the place of business that coordinates with the position qualifying the proctor as a WSU approved proctor. Exams cannot be taken at a personal residence.
- After receiving the exam, check to be sure it is the correct exam.
- Understand what outside materials the test allows (laptop/computer, calculator, notes, text, disability accommodation).
- Understand what disability accommodations, if any, are allowed. If you have questions about any testing accommodations, please use the contact information listed on the student’s accommodation form to get your questions answered before the student arrives to take the exam.
- Strictly enforce all requirements and conditions associated with the exam.
- Secure the exam packet until the exam appointment.
- Be available during the whole exam appointment. All exams must be monitored during the duration of the exam. At no time can the student be out of the proctor’s view.
- Provide a quiet area and a table top for taking the exam—and, in the case of an online proctored exam, a computer with Internet access for the full exam time (students may not provide the computer for the exam).
- Identify the student by photo ID.
- Make sure purses, backpacks, hats, cell phones, personal laptops, and notebooks (unless approved) are not taken into the test room.
- Make sure other individuals do not enter the testing area, unless they are approved in advance as part of a disability accommodation.
- Make sure that children do not enter the testing area (students are responsible for arranging for child care and personal matters before to the exam).
- Once the exam begins, monitor that the student does not leave the testing area for any reason until the exam is complete; the exam will be considered complete once the student leaves the room. If the student leaves the testing area before the exam is completed, the proctor must notate this, and notify upon exam completion.
- Collect the completed exam material from the student. Students cannot retain any exam materials.